Saturday, May 20, 2017




我一开始上课,真的很不习惯,因为在Malaysia是没有这样的ok. 在大学,喜欢上课就上课,不想去也无所谓。可是这里不一样,每样东西都是有程序的。我很庆幸,我认识了一班很好的朋有。

I did cry in the first week of school, because everything is different from i have expected. Waking up at 5am everyday, have to be in class before 8.30am, no mistake is allowed, one mistake = one explanation letter, greeting, and etc. Basically the culture in STC shocks everyone, lol. But it gets better and better from day to day. So, i feel much better and discipline now. 

Singaporean, Malaysian, Taiwanese and Chinese

During our grooming class, lol. It was the best day through out the week.

The girls.

Taiwanese, Malaysian and Chinese.

Hair up and full make up every day. 

12/5/2017 是我准备回家的日子,很早就订好机票,那天我的心情也特别的好。因为真的很迫不及待要回家。老师也很好,知道我的飞机是7.30pm,所以让我先走。

就当我去机场的路上,突然妈咪send一个医院探病的时间去我们的family group,我觉得很奇怪,问谁进了医院哦。


打电话给da bee说,我等下不去吃晚餐了,立刻送我回家吧,我想看我的公公最后一眼。

感谢天让我的公公安详的去世,因为他是吃了晚餐才korma的。我会想你的 ,<3 p="">

谢谢你,放工后立刻到机场接我,本来说好我回家,会一起去吃早餐,买东西。怎知道,完全没出去,哈哈。因为我当时只忙着丧礼的事情。谢谢你的理解,还特地来拜我的公公。LOVE YOU.

Thank you for being there for me during the hardest time, thank you for putting so effort on losing your weight just to make sure that you will go through SIA interview. Thank you for caring about me, do whatever just to make me happy. I am sorry if i hurt you sometime, but i think i didnt? Hahaha, I miss you so much tho. Love you da bee. 

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