实不相瞒,我没有take you for granted,相反,i treat you as my super best friend. Because you take care of me whenever I were down, being supportive and so on. Therefore, to me, you are such a best friend and i live without you guys. But, surprisingly, to you, i am such a person “利用别人的人”,wow. I were shocked when i saw this.
你知道吗,无论我多生气,我都不会写这句子。因为,是很伤人的。我的人很简单,只要你曾今讲一些伤害我的话,dont expect me to treat you as my best friend any more. 因为,哪怕有一天,你又再次讲我。I can't handle it okay ?
So, today i am going to talk about my feelings towards this issue “汤家明与永欣吵架事件". Actually, what I angry was your responsibility and time management. It's fine to me, if you told me that you are not free to help me or anything. I can do it on my own. But what you told me was different, you promised to pass me the 100 words by 10 or 11 something, because my english ended at 9pm. That why i were so mad about you, where is your responsibility ? I really hate doing things like this, you can tell me earlier that you are not free or anything instead of managing things in this way. So, you thought I angry is because of the 100 words, and i take you for granted or anything lah. Sam lam lah, i angry is because you cant handle things properly. Really sam lam i were the first one you told you this ? 就算,你不帮我写,我都不会生气你,真的以为我是那么的无理取闹?难道我是那么的不懂人情? 真的很生气,因为你很没有责任感。有的时候,你答应别人做了得东西,就不要拖。如果你真的有事情要忙,不得空,也要跟人家讲一声,而不是要等别人去问你。
你讲,如果要别人做东西,语气好一点,不要威胁别人。Hello, 我一开始问你可以帮我吗?请问我有大声跟你讲吗?我骂你的时候,是因为,我真的很dulan你没有责任感,完全不关你有没有帮我做。是好朋友才会骂你,不是朋友,连话都不想跟你讲。真的以为,我脾气真的坏到这样?有好好想过人家为什么生气。